
The L+C Blog

The 5 Best Ways Marketers Can Save Money on Legal Fees This Year

As a lawyer who advises ad and marketing professionals, I’m regularly reminded by clients that legal fees are not a fun way to spend marketing dollars.   This is understandable, and to me it’s also a somewhat welcome point of view.  If that sounds like an unusual perspective coming from “legal,” hear me out:  it is always less costly in the long run to have a proactive approach to t…

How to Avoid Legal Trouble With Social Media

I had the privilege recently to speak to a group of communications professionals, along with my friends Lisa Zone and Alexa Marinos at Cleveland PR Firm Dix & Eaton, about the legal implications of using social media in marketing communications.  You can read a bit about it here at Time.com http://business.time.com/2012/07/18/protect-your-company-from-social-media-mayhem-2/

It was a fun…

3 Ways to Protect Your IP During a Business Pitch

My marketing agency clients frequently express frustration about the business pitch process.  Not the creative part of the process – they enjoy that, or they wouldn’t be in the business, I hope.  And not the deadline pressure.  What they worry about is giving away their work.
This is a much-discussed concern in the marketing world.  Agencies and their clients are forever engaged in this…

6 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Trademarks

I spend a lot of time working with clients to determine when and why it’s appropriate to seek trademark protection for brands.  Since many of the questions about trademarks seem “universal” (ie. I get them a lot), I thought it would be helpful to talk about them here.  So here, in no particular order, are 6 of the most frequently asked questions about trademarks:

How do I know when I need…


Sharon Toerek
Toerek Law
737 Bolivar Road, Suite 110
Cleveland, Ohio
Call Me: 800.572.1155
Email: sharon@legalandcreative.com

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